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By 2024...

More than 1 in 4 people will be over 60 and our longer lives are one of society’s greatest achievements. But while many already enjoy a good later life, others risk ill health, poverty and loneliness – and in Salford, we want to do better.

Age Friendly Salford is a programme of work funded by Salford City Council to delivery a collaborative approach to working across agencies and with older people ensuring the best outcomes for older people. Supporting residents of Salford to live healthy and active lives, reducing the risk of poor health as we age.

Inspiring Communities Together, Age UK Salford and Salford CVS have been working in partnership with older people and key partners since 2014 to develop and deliver an ageing in place model within neighbourhoods of Salford.

Funded by:

Salford City Council logo

The programme is led by:

Inspiring Communities Together logo

And delivered in partnership with:

Age UK Salford logo

Our Vision

Our programme and methodology is framed through the four visions developed by older people in Salford, using the WHO Age Friendly Communities international model:


Older people are able to feel safe and travel to places which help keep them healthy and engaged.


Older people are able to find information and services to keep them healthy and engaged in activities.


Older people feel respected and included in neighbourhood activities to keep them healthy and engaged.


Older people are able to find opportunities for paid and unpaid work, as well as ensure their voice is heard to keep them healthy and engaged.

Our Values

Our values underpin all we do and inform how we work


We treat all who engage with us with respect and sensitivity. We listen, reflect, and learn, being flexible and responsive

Equality and Diversity

We believe strongly in equality and diversity and we promote it through all our work

Open and Accessible

We are clear, transparent and accessible in all that we say and do

Our Impact

Since 2020, the Age Friendly Salford programme has:



older people



organisations with Age Friendly Status




Meet the team

Bernadette Elder

Programme Lead & CEO, Inspiring Communities Together

Dave Haynes

Programme Lead & CEO , Age UK Salford

Antonia Dunn

Programme Manager, Inspiring Communities Together

Ben Fowler

Active Communities Manager, Salford CVS

John Hoey

Communication and Information Manager, Inspiring Communities Together

Tori Taylor

Age Friendly Salford Coordinator, Inspiring Communities Together

Vanda Groves

Voice & Influence Manager, Age UK Salford

Tonicha Wallace

Development Worker, Inspiring Communities Together

Andrea Whelan

Development Worker Inspiring Communities Together

John Rutter

Development Worker, Inspiring Communities Together

Julie Kay

Development Worker (Information, Advice & Guidance), Inspiring Communities Together

Nicola O’Neill

Development Worker, Salford CVS

Michael Carroll

Development Worker, Salford CVS